Monday, July 13, 2009

Time for an update..

In the flurry that is summertime I have been busy a crafting but not so good at blogging. I would like to begin to start anew and retry posting my daily efforts or at least weekly ones.
I am going to jump back into sharing some crafts and here is one of them. Silkscreening! I am in love with creating textiles, the process of silkscreening is amazing. Creating your own whimsical or elegant fabric in just a few steps really opens the doors to more creative sewing adventures. This weekend I started on a wallet project. I wanted to make a prototype of a modern yet unique wallet taken from mixing wallets I purchased and a pattern I learned a while back. The result is really cute and I know how to make things even tighter the next time.
I might make a tutorial here soon but for know I will just post my pictures of my efforts..Alas, I forgot to take pictures of the end result. So those will be coming soon!
So here it is :)... With the screen prints of the Dogwood flower

1 comment:

mames said...

yay for posting more. now you have to use flickr so i can see all the pictures in huge relief. cannot wait until august. I MISS YOU!!!!!!!